Advanced Movement to Stay Alive

Advanced Movement to Stay Alive

Do you keep dying fast in a gunfight? If you feel like you have no time to win your gunfights then you need to fix your movement to make sure that you are able to remain alive longer to secure your kill onto your enemy. In this video we go over the core principles you need to learn to stay alive longer through your movement.

Key Points Of The Lesson

  • The video delves into advanced movement strategies in Valorant, aiming to help players improve their gameplay.
  • Understanding how enemies will swing after peeking is crucial for effective positioning and holding angles.
  • Players are advised to avoid the enemy's crosshair and use movement to their advantage in gunfights.
  • Techniques like dead zoning and strafing are recommended to outplay opponents and secure kills.
  • Mastering movement techniques seen among top players can lead to increased survival and success in matches.

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Premium Video Course

In this course Valorant legend thwifo teaches you everything you need to know about gunfights! Learn how to dominate your games from one of the best!


  • - 5 lessons on everything you need to know about how to win gunfights
  • - Includes thwifo's aiming routine & mentality tips
  • - Winning more gunfights will have a huge impact on you ranking up faster

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