How to win more retakes as defender

How to win more retakes as defender

Retaking a site can be very tough and frustrating. Time and time again your teammates fail to hold site and you rotate over to get shredded in crossfires as well. However there are strategies to avoid this which we break down in this lesson on how to win more retakes.

Key Points Of The Lesson

  • The main objective in post-plant situations is to diffuse the bomb before it explodes on the defensive side.
  • Pushing out from different angles and creating pressure on attackers enhances the chances of a successful retake.
  • Coordination with teammates, combined utility usage, and playing with numbers are essential for an effective retake strategy.
  • Pathing, angle awareness, and decisive decision-making on defusing the bomb play a significant role in post-plant situations.
  • Strategic pressure application and teamwork are crucial in dealing with lineup agents and securing successful retakes in Valorant.

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In this course Valorant legend thwifo teaches you everything you need to know about gunfights! Learn how to dominate your games from one of the best!


  • - 5 lessons on everything you need to know about how to win gunfights
  • - Includes thwifo's aiming routine & mentality tips
  • - Winning more gunfights will have a huge impact on you ranking up faster

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