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Should You Use Advanced Defending?

Advanced Defending is a new setting in the defending segment and it's wildly discussed. In this lesson we explain what Advanced Defending actually is and present you the up- and downsides of this setting in contrast to the former default setting Tactical Defending.

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Key takeaways for this lesson:

  • Advanced Defending is a new option in the defending controller settings. While with Tactical Defending you can tackle and shoulder challenge the opponent with the circle/B button, Advanced Defending splits these two options.
  • You tackle on the circle/B button and go for a physical challenge (shoulder challenge, push/pull, seal outs) with the X/A button.
  • Upsides: Shoulder challenges are stronger and more effective.
  • You can also use the X/A button with less caution inside the box - in contrast to the tackle button - which allows you to win the ball more often.
  • You don't have to be perfect with every decision when you decide between tackling or a physical challenge and still you have the potential upsides of using Advanced Defending.
  • Downsides: With two buttons with two different actions you add a new layer of complexity and decision making to your defending. This could result in really bad decisions and thus conceding goals, which you wouldn't have conceded with only one option available.
  • Should you use Advanced Defending? It's superior to Tactical Defending, but it might take some time to make proper use of it. When you think that defending is already complex enough for you, stick to Tactical Defending. But when it's fine for you to learn a new mechanic and you're up for the challenge, you should switch to Advanced Defending, because it will lead you to better results in the long run.
  • Think about it: it's quite likely that Advanced Defending might be there for a while. It's quite unlikely that EA will remove it for FC 25, 26 and so on. It might be worth to put the effort in right now and to benefit from it in the next coming years!

About the author: Benjamin "TaZz" Drexler is creating tutorial videos since 2011 and started to compete in tournaments at the same time. Among several weekly and monthly Top100 finishes in FUT Champions, he reached the Top8 at the Virtual Bundesliga in 2013/14 and finished in the Top8 in 2017 at the first European Regional Qualifier Event in Paris.

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Music from "Future Logo Intro" by WinnieTheMoog ( License: CC BY (

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