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The fundamentals of defending

Looking past all the fancy meta techniques and mechanics, what is fundamentally important to play well in this game? That's the question we are going to answer in our fundamentals course and we are starting off by taking a look at the fundamentals of defending!

The course is going to be released together with the next lesson on build-up fundamentals.

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NOTE: We used a few more editing elements as well as background music and tried to structure the video a little bit more. Let us know down in the comments below how you like that approach for future videos!

Lesson Summary

About the author Georg "CruZzAve" Raffelt is creating tutorials since 2013 around which time he also started his competitive journey in the game. He was able to qualify for the Grand Final of the German National Championship "Virtuelle Bundesliga" twice in 2014 and 2015. Online he managed to reach the weekly and monthly Top100 in the Weekend League numerous times.

In case you didn't know: You can also access THE GUIDE+ on your PC with our Web Version and watch the lessons on a bigger screen. Here is the link:

Music from "Future Logo Intro" by WinnieTheMoog ( License: CC BY (

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