What spacing is and how it allows you to trade efficiently

What spacing is and how it allows you to trade efficiently

Spacing is a term that describes the distance you keep between each other when moving through the map and entering a bomb site. Proper spacing is crucial to play efficiently as a team, so this guide breaks it down for you!

Key Points Of The Lesson

  • Spacing is essential for trading kills with teammates and utilizing utility effectively in Valorant gameplay.
  • Maintaining a close distance of about 5 meters from teammates allows for quick responses to enemy engagements and maximizes opportunities for trades.
  • Proper spacing includes following utility, such as drones or flashes, to take advantage of the space they provide and eliminate spotted enemies.
  • Advanced tips involve considering angles and danger zones while moving through the map to support teammates effectively and respond to threats efficiently.
  • Understanding and implementing spacing rules in various game scenarios can enhance a player's game sense, strategic positioning, and overall performance in Valorant.

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In this course Valorant legend thwifo teaches you everything you need to know about gunfights! Learn how to dominate your games from one of the best!


  • - 5 lessons on everything you need to know about how to win gunfights
  • - Includes thwifo's aiming routine & mentality tips
  • - Winning more gunfights will have a huge impact on you ranking up faster

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