How to play off controller agents

How to play off controller agents

Having at least one controller agent on your team is essential to control space and move around safely. Instead of walking into a waiting OP, you need to know how to play around your controller properly!

Key Points Of The Lesson

  • Understanding the role of Controller players in blocking lines of sight and aiding in taking space is essential for team success.
  • Utilizing smokes strategically by pushing through, holding angles, and executing surprise plays can give players a significant advantage in gunfights.
  • Effective communication with Controller players for coordinating smokes and tactical plays is crucial for team coordination and success.
  • Tips on playing around smokes include peeking strategically, reacting quickly to enemy movements, and being prepared for potential scenarios.
  • Emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive attitude towards team communication, coordination, and adapting strategies based on in-game situations for effective gameplay.

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Premium Video Course

In this course Valorant legend thwifo teaches you everything you need to know about gunfights! Learn how to dominate your games from one of the best!


  • - 5 lessons on everything you need to know about how to win gunfights
  • - Includes thwifo's aiming routine & mentality tips
  • - Winning more gunfights will have a huge impact on you ranking up faster

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