How to play off duelist agents

How to play off duelist agents

A duelist is there to entry and get picks! But if the rest of the team doesn't know how to play around their duelist, then that is of little use. So this guide covers how to properly take advantage of your duelist!

Key Points Of The Lesson

  • Understanding the role of Duelists in Valorant as self-sufficient fraggers who initiate engagements.
  • Supporting Duelists by using utility to enable their plays and fighting alongside them improves team performance.
  • Considering Duelists' strengths and weaknesses when setting up plays enhances strategic gameplay.
  • Different Duelists excel in specific combat scenarios, either in close-quarters or open areas, based on their abilities.
  • Teamwork, coordination, and timely support with Duelists are essential for success and securing victories in Valorant.

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Premium Video Course

In this course Valorant legend thwifo teaches you everything you need to know about gunfights! Learn how to dominate your games from one of the best!


  • - 5 lessons on everything you need to know about how to win gunfights
  • - Includes thwifo's aiming routine & mentality tips
  • - Winning more gunfights will have a huge impact on you ranking up faster

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